Monday, 17 June 2013

My chat with HottyMama

Last night I had a call from a desperate mother. She is going to read this post I'm sure of it - so lets rename her HottyMama so she doesn't get annoyed at me writing this.  "Bec, I need help! My daughter is waking up in the middle of the night freaking out".. So she told me the story of how her 3 year old used to be an amazing sleeper and all of a sudden wakes up screaming. We went through the routine, the thumb sucking, the blanky, the change from cot to bed..all sounded relatively kosher to me. And then she said 2 things that made my alarm bells go off like a fire alarm in a room full of smoke...

HottyMama said "Most the time, she falls asleep by page 3 of the book, I wait a few minutes for her to go into a deep sleep and then I carry her over to her bed and walk out, brilliant right?" WRONG
Just imagine you fall asleep watching TV on the couch and then you wake up and you're tucked in to your bed. Trippy! You would totally freak the *%$# out! That is exactly what is happening to Miss 3. She falls asleep in her chair sitting up reading with her mum and then wakes up a few hours later lying down in bed by herself. As soon as I said it aloud HottyMama realised how much that made sense.

The next thing HottyMama said to me was that sometimes she stays 2 minutes in the room with Miss 3 but then Miss 3 obviously wants more time. So here lies the problem. Miss 3 doesn't know what 2 minutes are, what 10 minutes are..What is a clock anyways? Unless you are prepared to wait there until she goes to sleep (which I don't advise!) then don't make promises that they can't understand. 

I'll keep you updated with how HottyMama and Miss 3 go..
Until then, 

Sweet Dreams, BEC x

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