Monday 31 March 2014

Daylight Savings Dramas

I think I told you when daylight savings started, that it confuses the crap out of me. But one thing is for sure...about this time every year I get a flurry of emails and calls with mothers who are stressing out about the end of daylight savings. What does this mean for their toddler? Will they wake up even earlier? What do they do? Can they do something to prevent it? Emails of sheer desperation really...

So the way I see it there are 2 options. You can have a read through and decide which is best for you and your family and at the end I will tell you what I do with my own 2 girls. 

Option 1: The gradual approach/
In the lead up (aka NOW!), make your child's bedtime a little later each night so that when the time changes, your child isn't too cranky. So from today start putting your child to bed 15 minutes later and later each day. The idea is to do it in slow increments so that when you really do have to change, they will easily cope. That's the first part and probably the easier part.
The hard part to this is that they will still probably wake at the regular hour. Try and resettle if you can but if not, know they will just adjust after about a week. It may be a little bit of a tough week, depending on your babies temperament but try and go with the flow. Be a little flexible throughout the change, allow a little extra nap in the pram to help them make it through.. Or maybe do that extra drive around the block if they have fallen asleep in the car. There is nothing harder than an overtired child. Remember - sleep promotes sleep. The more tired they are, the less they will sleep. (That there my friends, is the most unfortunate rule of sleep consulting).  

Option 2: Suck it up. 
Don't change bedtime in advance and just take those lemons and make lemonade! In other words, if your child is a relatively adaptable child who is OK with an occasional late night (as in not a Gina Ford routine stickler) then maybe its just worth having a couple harder days and be done with it rather than a weeks prep in the lead up to it. 

With either option here are the bigger problems with daylight savings clock change...
- This is when I find mothers get into the worst habit possible - bringing your bub/toddler back to bed with you. Yes 6am is now 5am and your child is ready to go, its annoying! Rather try and resettle them, bringing them back to your bed is short lived happiness. They may go back to sleep but you'll see that they will want to do this earlier and earlier each day. I always tell my clients "why would they want to sleep in their own beds or cots when yours is a much better option". Don't let it even be an option. 
- Children can become ridiculously overtired. This creates unhealthy sleep manners and can throw everything out and in fact make your child wake up even earlier. Watch sleep cues closely and follow them. 

- If you have a toddler, maybe now is the right time to introduce a Gro clock or Sleep Trainer Clock. With an older child - use this opportunity to start teaching them to tell the time. 
- Have a very dramatic wake up routine - throw up the curtains, sing, make big gestures, show them natural light soon after they are awake so their brain can start learning that this is the appropriate time to wake up. A good wake up routine is just as important as a solid night time routine but something that is often not taught. This will help your child's internal clock.
- Make an extra effort to have really good naps and meals. A well rested, well fed child will cope much better with the changes and may be enough to make the difference in having a good week or a really difficult one. 

So what am I going to do with Mikah and Rafaella.....
C'mon you already know - The Suck it up approach!! 

Sweet Dreams and Good Luck!!

Bec x

Rebecca Abraham, known to clients as a "baby expert". Rebecca has implemented an easy-to-follow and gentle approach for both parent and child. Taught by sleep guru Kim West (author of Good Night, Sleep Tight) she believes she will have the sleep solutions you exhausted parents are looking for. 

Rebecca has completed the Gentle Sleep Coach course which is a one of the most comprehensive and few dedicated sleep courses in the world, learning from Kim West herself as well as top lactation specialists, newborn experts and several leading paediatrians.
Drawing upon her training as an early childhood educator, infant massage therapist, pre- and post-natal doula and sleep consultant, she has a uniquely multidisciplinary approach to your issues and thus can help you and your family develop a personalized and holistic sleep plan that suits you and your child. 

Most importantly, she is a mother to two sleeping beauties Mikah and Rafaella

If you want to read more blogs just like this, sign up to our newsletter and they will be home delivered right to your inbox!

Monday 24 March 2014

Pram Diaries Part III - Mountain Buggy Cosmopolitan

              Mountain Buggy Cosmopolitan

BRILLIANT! This may be my new obsession. It's ridiculously simple to use, it folds really easily and has amazing storage underneath which makes life easier. It can be forward facing or face you and it can also lie flat for a restful sleep time. I really cannot (and don't want to) fault anything about it. It also looks absolutely stunning which I won't lie, it really important to me.

It has a denimy looking exterior that just makes it look super trendy. Another one of my absolute favourite features is the hood, with a quick unzip of the canopy - it extends into a more protected sunhood that is great if you are like me and are particularly sun conscious when you are out showing it (and the baby) off at the beach or walking in the park.  The sleep consultant in me also gives it the thumbs up because it is perfect for when you want your bub to just have a snooze! Just lie back and pull the hood right over. You can look through at them through the
peekaboo flap. The Sleep Consultant Tick is very easily awarded for the Mountain Buggy Cosmopolitan.

The price point is really good as it creeps in under $800 so totally gets my Bang for Buck Tick.

It also has a great foot break. Some of the prams that I have tried had a foot break that hurt your foot or ruined your pedi every time you tried to put the break on. This was so easy and comfortable even in my thongs.

The basket underneath can safely hold up to 10kg which is perfect for a trip to the shops. It is also so easily accessible, so reaching down to find your keys is no drama no matter how the seat is configured. 

I may even go as far to say as this is my favourite stroller I have ever used. It is so easy to manoeuvre, looks stylish and all the well thought out extras make it hard to beat. Oh and there's one more thing...

Rumour has it that a certain Kardashian uses this buggy! Wohooo! The fact that I'm also using it now means that I'm one step closer to actually being a Kardashian. Anyone that knows me well, knows that’s my life long dream. Check out Keeping Up with the Cosmopolitan here..

Sweet Dreams, 

BEC xx

Rebecca Abraham, known to clients as a "baby expert". Rebecca has implemented an easy-to-follow and gentle approach for both parent and child. Taught by sleep guru Kim West (author of Good Night, Sleep Tight) she believes she will have the sleep solutions you exhausted parents are looking for. 

Rebecca has completed the Gentle Sleep Coach course which is a one of the most comprehensive and few dedicated sleep courses in the world, learning from Kim West herself as well as top lactation specialists, newborn experts and several leading paediatrians.
Drawing upon her training as an early childhood educator, infant massage therapist, pre- and post-natal doula and sleep consultant, she has a uniquely multidisciplinary approach to your issues and thus can help you and your family develop a personalized and holistic sleep plan that suits you and your child. 

Most importantly, she is a mother to two sleeping beauties Mikah and Rafaella 

Monday 17 March 2014

Pram Diaries Part II

PRESENTING......The Phil and Teds Smart Lux

This is actually a stroller that's sexy! It is a modern urban stroller that will give your child the COMFIEST ride they will experience. The seat is convertible (can lie flat, face parents or face the world) but that's not the most exciting part - it is completely cushioned. It easily qualifies for the Sleep Consultant Tick because almost every time my 15 month old sat in it she would fall asleep, that is just how comfy it. This pram is the equivalent of a massage chair for us tired mamas. I really can get a decent workout with this pram as it is so compact and light and easy to push around. (the fact that my daughter can sleep in it also means that I don't have to do that stop/start kind of walk that us mothers have come to know and detest!)

The air filled rear wheels and front wheel suspension apparently is what we can thank for the smooth
ride, you don't feel a single bump the whole trip and is so light to push. All this helps it to score the and the easy fold also makes it really a no brainer! Definitely a big Nana-Proof Tick. It also has up to 21 different riding options so every child will love it!

Never have I been able to give the highly coveted 
Tree-hugger Tick for a baby product review but I am proud to dish it out. The interior fabric in the bassinet is made from natural bamboo which makes it super comfy for your newborn. It is also freestanding so you don't need to buy a separate bassinet for your house, put this next to your bed at night and then click it easily onto the frame when you need to go out in the morning. I was really surprised by how deep and spacious it is, your baby will really be able to use it for the first few months of life. You can also buy a two piece fitted bamboo sheet set for the already plush mattress. See, this pram is already saving you money! 

As always, one of the most important features in a pram (other than it looking seriously stunning) is that it is Sun Safe. The Smart Lux has an exceptionally large canopy for full sun protection. Over at Phil and Teds they have cleverly designed a bonnet style sun canopy that with a quick little unzip, reveals a mesh extension that folds out further than any other that I have used. You can also look at the them from a very silent peek-a-boo flap. 
I think this gets another Sleep Consultant Tick don't you?

So would you like to know my confession with this pram? I just didn't expect it to be this sexy. I had truly thought the beauty and style was really left for Bugaboo and the like and others were about functionality. But I really take my (fedora) hat off to Phil and Teds. You have absolutely designed a really gorgeous pram that has everything! This is the pram that will really appeal to that fashion conscious. I am the first to admit that for me a pram has to look good as well as feel good!

In summary, this pram is sleek, sexy and oh so stylin'. 

Even my 3 year old was happy with the Smart Lux!

Want to win this pram? Show your interest by signing up to the Bellies and Beyond email at the top of this page and then follow @belliesandbeyond on Instagram to see if you have won!

Rebecca Abraham, known to clients as a "baby expert". Rebecca has implemented an easy-to-follow and gentle approach for both parent and child. Taught by sleep guru Kim West (author of Good Night, Sleep Tight) she believes she will have the sleep solutions you exhausted parents are looking for. 

Rebecca has completed the Gentle Sleep Coach course which is a one of the most comprehensive and few dedicated sleep courses in the world, learning from Kim West herself as well as top lactation specialists, newborn experts and several leading paediatrians.
Drawing upon her training as an early childhood educator, infant massage therapist, pre- and post-natal doula and sleep consultant, she has a uniquely multidisciplinary approach to your issues and thus can help you and your family develop a personalized and holistic sleep plan that suits you and your child. 

Most importantly, she is a mother to two sleeping beauties Mikah and Rafaella.

Sunday 23 February 2014

My confession: I'm a whore.

A pram whore.

I have tried and tested them all. My kids thinks prams are like undies, you change them every day (or two). My next confession, what I have spent for my love of prams - would have covered a few months mortgage. 

These are the prams that I've spent my whole piggy bank on:
1. Bugaboo Chameleon
2. Mclaren Quest
3. Bugaboo Bee
4. Mountain Buggy Duet
5. Bugaboo Donkey

So I thought that I would save you a lot of money (and time, blood, sweat and most importantly fights with your husbands) and review a few different ones for you so over the next few weeks I'll blog "The Pram Whore Diaries" and present some new options for you. Maybe some that you hadn't considered for yourself.


Here's another confession.. The designer of this pram was my first boyfriend. How weird is life! Year 6 hand holders to chatting prams and the "mother business" together. Brett Redelman (that's the hand holder) and his wife Meagan spoke to so many mums to find out exactly what they wanted from a pram and what is most important is that they actually listened and voila! Redsbaby Bounce Stroller was born!

If you are going to buy one pram - this just might be the one! It does absolutely everything and most importantly looks stylish doing it. Its perfect for a newborn (if you get the bassinet) and then switch over to reversible seat for older babies and toddlers. Both my one and two year old were very happy sitting in it!

It gets the Sleep Consultant Tick because the seat reclines so your baby can sleep beautifully and you can check up on them through the magnetic peekaboo window on the retractable sun canopy.

It also get my Nana-Proof Tick. To take it in and out of the car between shops is really no dramas, there's just one step to fold it. Hand it over to your mum to babysit and she won't struggle with it at all, (I have seen many grandparents ready to ditch the pram on the side of the road rather than continuing to press every button so it can collapse and they can shove it in the boot!) It's also just 8kg so its really no workout at all!

One of my favourite features is that you don't even really need to take a nappy bag out with you when taking it out. It has an organiser on the back that makes a disorganised mum like me look like a Pinterest-together kind of mother which I guarantee you is a hard task. The underneath storage can easily fit all the rest of the crap that we bring out. So it gets a the OMG Extras Tick,

Obviously it gets a massive Tick for Safety (boring I know but I have to mention it). It's one of the only prams to comply with the latest Australian safety standards. How much does that freak you out!

I have another tick to dish out. The Bang For Your Buck Tick. $499 for the pram alone of $549 for the pram and bassinet. It doesn't really get better than this.. You can generally get some decent umbrellas strollers for that price but not a sound pram like this. Nothing compares...

My last tick is the Ah-Maze Tick. And that's for the look of it. So stylish. It comes in really great colours and patterns. I'm going to confess something else. I was one of the mothers that Brett came to talk to in the beginning stages and my couch cushion is where the idea of the Chevron came from. It's Ah-maze!
check them out at

Now that you know my thoughts, you have the chance to WIN a  REDSBABY BOUNCE STROLLER & BASSINET SET valued at $549! Competition ends 11:59pm AEST 4/3/14. Open to Australian residents. See previous blog post for further terms and conditions. 

But here is how you can enter (super easy!)

Go to Bellies & Beyond Facebook page here 'like' my page and comment 'sweet dreams' underneath the giveaway picture. 

BONUS ENTRY when you tag a friend in the comments section who you think you would love this Redsbaby Bounce Stroller & Bassinet Set 

Enter on Bellies & Beyond instagram page @belliesandbeyond and follow the repost/hashtag instructions

Sign up to the Bellies & Beyond newsletter database at the top of this page

Rebecca Abraham, known to clients as a "baby expert". Rebecca has implemented an easy-to-follow and gentle approach for both parent and child. Taught by sleep guru Kim West (author of Good Night, Sleep Tight) she believes she will have the sleep solutions you exhausted parents are looking for. 

Rebecca has completed the Gentle Sleep Coach course which is a one of the most comprehensive and few dedicated sleep courses in the world, learning from Kim West herself as well as top lactation specialists, newborn experts and several leading paediatrians.
Drawing upon her training as an early childhood educator, infant massage therapist, pre- and post-natal doula and sleep consultant, she has a uniquely multidisciplinary approach to your issues and thus can help you and your family develop a personalized and holistic sleep plan that suits you and your child. 

Most importantly, she is a mother to two sleeping beauties Mikah and Rafaella.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Redsbaby Bounce Stroller & Bassinet Set Giveaway!

I am so excited to bring to you this fantastic giveaway from Redsbaby. If you follow our Bellies & Beyond Facebook page (thank you!) you will already know about this amazing promotion. And if you don't, you can follow us on Facebook here
I am giving away a Redsbaby Bounce Stroller & Bassinet Set valued at $549! Details on how to enter are below - don't miss out as it ends 4/3/14. 

FACEBOOK Enter on Bellies & Beyond Facebook page  here 'Like' the page and comment ‘sweet dreams’ underneath the giveaway picture (as above)

BONUS ENTRY  if you tag a friend in the comments, who you think would love this new Redsbaby Bounce Stroller& Bassinet Set.

INSTAGRAM Enter on Bellies & Beyond Instagram page @belliesandbeyond and follow the repost/hashtag instructions!

EMAIL Sign up to the Bellies & Beyond email at the top of this page

Once you have entered check out the fantastic products at and stay tuned for my review of this stroller and more coming to the blog soon.  

Sweet dreams

Monday 17 February 2014

Terms & Conditions - Redsbaby Bounce Stroller & Bassinet Giveaway


1. Information on how to enter and prizes form part of these Conditions of Entry. Participation in this promotion is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

2. Entry is only open to Australian residents.

3. The Promoter reserves the right to verify the validity of entries and to disqualify any entrant.

4. Promotion commences at 10:00am AEDST 18/2/2014. Entries close at 11:59pm AEDST on 4/3/14 (the Promotion Period).

5. Winner will be selected at random from all combined entries on Facebook, Instagram and email registrations. Winners will be notified via email or private message if selected from Facebook or email database. If winner is selected from Instagram the winner must contact Bellies & Beyond via email within 7 days to claim their prize.

6. Total prize pool value is AUD $549 RRP inc GST and prize is a Redsbaby Bounce Stroller & Bassinet set. Promoter accepts no responsibility for any variation in the prize value. Prizes or any unused portion of a prize are not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be taken as cash.

11. The Promoter may review further entries, at the same place as the original judging is held, as are necessary on 3/3/2014 in order to distribute any prize unclaimed by that date.

12. In the event that a prize, or an element of a prize, is/are not available, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute prize(s) in its discretion to the same and equal recommended retail value and/or specification subject to any written directions from the various lottery Departments.

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21. The Promoter is Bellies and Beyond of 10A Princess Street, Rose Bay, Sydney NSW 2029. ABN 82 066 170 869.

Monday 10 February 2014

So What... A blog about mummy wars

I read an article about these fantastic mothers in Connecticut who are trying to break down the concept of the mummy wars. I don't think I am an overly opinionated mother, I think I have mentioned before that sometimes my opinions aren't that strong simply because I'm just too tired to be that passionate about anything really. Do you want to know what I feel strongly about? One word. Survival. Just do what you need to do to get through that day. If at the end of the day your kids are happy, well-fed (or even just fed) and somewhat polite children, then you are doing a fabulous job. If you can also do this having showered, eaten and brushed your teeth that day, well then that's a double bonus!

I think the 'mummy wars' starts at pregnancy, I remember getting a funny look when I ate some frozen yogurt. I started eating it, delicious spoon by even more delicious spoon and my friend finally blurted out "it's so good that your so relaxed about eating things like this, I was way too worried about listeria". Insert judgemental face. All of a sudden delicious double chocolate turned sour. I mean I wasn't sitting there downing vodka from the bottle, it was just a little bit of yummy indulgence! 

And then the questions..oh the questions. Are you going to have a natural birth? My first thought was always to slap these mothers that asked the question. Why did it matter whether I used drugs to decrease the pain to my who-ha! What was it their business? Was I going to breastfeed? My thoughts on circumcision... ? Was I going to start a routine straight away? Dummies..and which kind? Will the baby sleep in my bed, my room and then in a bassinet or a cot? aghhhhh!
I decided the mummy wars have to end. We are ALL so hard on ourselves as mothers, we never stop and congratulate ourselves on the brilliant job we are doing and it certainly doesn't help that we also worry about what others think of us. To work or stay at home? Having a big family versus a small one? What and how we feed our children? To breastfeed and if so for how long? Routine versus none.. All these decisions are completely overwhelming, we need to all agree that we are doing our absolute best for ourselves and for our children. That's it. End of story. 

So before you go to judge someone, just stop. Remember that they are doing the best they can for their child. Remember that they agonised over each decision to get to that point. Remember that just because they chose something different, they are right but yes so are you. They are doing whatever they need to get through that day, that week, maybe even that hour! So what if their child is still in nappies at age 3! So what if they were formula fed! So what if they came out downstairs naturally or had to go through the roof! I mean when you are at a job interview are you quizzed on that?!?... When you are applying for uni - does it matter if you were breastfed! So what if you were born in a bath tub, you're there to tell the (cool) story right? So what if the grandparents help to co-parent! So what if you feed your children kosher, organic, gluten free, dairy free, whatever-you-want-free! These are your children! They are allowed to have the issues with you one day...but not other judgemental mummies! So what.....they all eventually have to be unhappy with us for something, make sure that something has conviction!

Thank you to the brave women that helped with this blog and are trying to stop the mummy wars! You tell em girls!

Rebecca Abraham, known to clients as a "baby expert". Rebecca has implemented an easy-to-follow and gentle approach for both parent and child. Taught by sleep guru Kim West (author of Good Night, Sleep Tight) she believes she will have the sleep solutions you exhausted parents are looking for. 

Rebecca has completed the Gentle Sleep Coach course which is a one of the most comprehensive and few dedicated sleep courses in the world, learning from Kim West herself as well as top lactation specialists, newborn experts and several leading paediatrians.

Drawing upon her training as an early childhood educator, infant massage therapist, pre- and post-natal doula and sleep consultant, she has a uniquely multidisciplinary approach to your issues and thus can help you and your family develop a personalized and holistic sleep plan that suits you and your child. 
Most importantly, she is a mother to two sleeping beauties Mikah and Rafaella
Oh I've got one more......Don't judge me BUT........