Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Today I got stuck in the shower.

No jokes. I was stuck in the shower. I couldn't get out. Hot water was running down on me and I could not move.

Ok, I wasn't literally stuck, but almost. You see the way the mornings play out in my house is that my girls wake up at about 7, upon hearing them I get up and go in the shower while they both talk and sing in their respective cots (more about this later). Then I get out the shower, get dressed and then the day begins. Bottles, breakfast, getting both dressed, nappies off, toileting, vomit = change bubs clothes, Playschool, Play Do, vomit again this time on me = change of clothes (I totally just lied - I just give it a good wipe!) and whilst I love my girls to pieces.. today I just couldn't face the sometimes ground hog day way of living. So I stayed in the shower. 

While I was in there, it was my little dream world. It was quiet, I didn't have to hold anyone, I didn't hear crying and my favourite was that I didn't have to answer the non-stop flow of Why questions. (Grrrr!) To put it simply I wasn't responsible for anyone else other than myself and let me tell you - it felt AMAZING! The only thing that did ruin my shower just a little, was my guilt. I knew they were waiting for me. So I washed myself again, reasoned with myself why I had to conditioner my hair again and then I got out. And it begins...........

In order to make this somewhat informative for you, my sleep tip for this blog is really an awake tip. From about when your baby is 4 months old and over that ridiculously starving cry that newborns get, my advice is that you don't rush into them every time they wake up. Let them lie there for a little while and start conditioning them to wait a little. I love listening to my girls through their monitors. Mikah will talk about whatever is going on her head and reveals all sorts of wonderful things and Rafaella just makes all those cute little noises and shrieks and plays with her blanky. It is really good for your kids to have this time and it is golden time for you. 

And let me tell you what I heard this morning through the monitor "Daddy didn't brush my teeth and he said shsh don't tell mummy, it our secret". Earl if you are reading this - BUSTED!

Sweet Dreams, 
BEC xoxo

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